I'm falling for you.
But I don't know how long I can stick around
and be just another friend time and time again and hold my tongue.
I don't know how long before it breaks me down inside
and all my strength has gone away and it's too late before I say.
I'm falling for you.
I'm torn between the chance for everything and a price that I can't pay,
losing you is something that I'd never chose so I'll just have to wait,
but it kills me everyday.
and be just another friend time and time again and hold my tongue.
I don't know how long before it breaks me down inside
and all my strength has gone away and it's too late before I say.
I'm falling for you.
I'm torn between the chance for everything and a price that I can't pay,
losing you is something that I'd never chose so I'll just have to wait,
but it kills me everyday.
Postat av: Mr.B
Jag har ett likadant hårband. Klär lite bättre på mig.
Postat av: Mr.A
Men Mr.B är ändå bög och kan suga en fet.
Postat av: Mr.B
Haha. Lustig kille den där mr.a. Antagligen våldtagen av sin pappa systematiskt sedan tidigt 90-tal.
Postat av: Natalie
Okej Mr.B det kvittar vad du har på dig, Mr.A har ändå rätt och det där om Mr.A tänker jag inte kommentera. Kriga någon annanstans ;)